TelWin 6.09 | TEL-STER Sp. z o.o.

October 1, 2018 the version 6.09 TelWin SCADA system has been published. You can use the system in the English language version. We invite you to download the version in the section: Products -> TelWin SCADA.  

Minimum operating system: Windows Vista / 2009 Server. System TelWin SCADA 5 is not supported.


What's new?


TelWin SCADA | TEL-STER Sp. z o.o. | YouTube channel


TelWin SCADA - moduł TelView


  • Simplifying the definition of a list of substitutes in derivative mechanisms
  • Substitution of allowances on the list of substitutes in derivative mechanisms
  • The mechanism of switching on / off the display of individual samples in the graph window f (t)
  • daily report value - displaying the last sample until receiving from the server a new report value converted after the change of the day
  • Block / hide / highlight the button when the name of the active scheme meets the condition defined by the entered character string
  • A new standard for formatting descriptions in context hints for TelNOTE elements
TelWin SCADA - serwer AlSrv


  • implementation of the SMTP TLS protocol (e-mail sending)
TelWin SCADA - serwer TelSrv


  • Import of object definitions for drivers
TelWin SCADA - WebInterface

TelWin WebInterface

  • New subsystem installer


Installing the latest version of TelWin SCADA® 6.09.0 requires reinstallation of the TelWin WebInterface subsystem.

Particular attention should be paid to the subsystem-specific application pool in IIS, which must point to the .NET Framework v4.5.2 or newer.

The TelWin SCADA Eng system installers are exclusively English GUI. After installing the system, the documentation is available in the form of CHM and PDF files in Polish. The WebInterface Eng subsystem installer has an English GUI, all messages generated in the subsystem are translated into English.